首页 > 其他类型 > 你是我的荣耀 晶晶唱的歌 > 第207 二十二1

第207 二十二1(第2/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 银河启蒙一觉睡醒我穿越到了宋国遗弃公主有个恶魔爹HP霍格沃兹的华夏交流生换亲嫁退伍糙汉,囤货带崽暴富啦世子好凶引她深爱被迫重生,玄门小菜鸡觉醒阴阳眼我在魔兽世界当修仙大佬末世天灾,我带空间囤亿万物资武庚纪,我开局拜师子羽!!!挖我神脉,我重生回来报仇你哭啥替嫁守活寡?后娘带崽开班授课斗罗之蚀雷之龙满级黑心莲,重生虐渣日常!你发癫,我种田,大佬研究江山女尊:称帝,易如反掌我的九个神话武魂,有点不对劲我穿了,左捡友右救都是大佬身边靓仔千千万,独宠娇夫第一人

their discussion and explored new ways to enhance family cohesion and personal growth. -Qiao Jingjing: At noon, can we set up a "family growth tree"? Every family member can record his growth and learning experience on it. Time: It's a good idea to grow a tree. We can plant a tree in the garden or get a decorative tree at home to symbolize the growth of our family. Qiao Jingjing: We can also set up a "Family Challenge Month" and set a new challenge every month, such as learning a new skill or pleting a project.Continue the conversation between Qiao Jingjing and Time Division. They are planning more innovative family activities. -Time: Jingjing, can we set up a "Family Library Day"? Choose one day a week as library day and the whole family will go to the library together. Qiao Jingjing: Library Day can immerse us in the ocean of books, which is a great idea. We can also set up a family reading list to see who reads more books. Time: Yes, we can also set up




