首页 > 其他类型 > 你是我的荣耀之晶喜时分 > 第207 二十二1

第207 二十二1(第1/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: 崩铁:秩序少女,大受玩家追捧狼人杀:套路太骚,闪了观众的腰满级单防的我,虐哭了梅西C罗明日方舟:苦难与救赎之歌全民海洋求生:一发入魂出奇迹超凡永恒末日荒域末世:女人消耗的物资,万倍返还我和女友在末世相互带飞惊悚:开局认亲,我真没开挂叶罗丽之星河万里借命钱火影:佐鸣基热天堂矩阵生存:每天一个随机宝箱末世绿洲末世开局获得军阀系统全民领主:开局一个破草屋全民十连抽,我能看到抽奖概率谁懂啊!欠债十亿后我在星际种田还钱我在游戏杀敌成神


-Qiao Jingjing: Can we set up a "family dream piggy bank" at noon? Every family member can save money for his little dream. Time: Dream piggy bank sounds interesting. We can use the money saved to realize our small wishes, such as buying a book or a small musical instrument. Qiao Jingjing: Yes, we can also set up a "family dream wall" where everyone writes down their dreams and attaches a piggy bank, so that they can see their goals every day. Time: Jingjing, can we start a "family health challenge for 100 days"? Encourage the whole family to stay healthy.You can also play family sports regularly, such as badminton, basketball or running. This can not only exercise, but also cultivate team spirit. " Jojo nodded and said. "Moreover, we can make family goals together, such as pleting a puzzle together, planting a plant or learning a new language." Jingjing added. "Well, we can encourage each other and grow together



